Colourful flickering lightbulb

Content Marketing


Where do you go when you want expert advice or answers to a burning question – like what is Content Marketing?

I’m guessing Google, the world’s #1 search engine, first – but maybe you’re a Yahoo loyalist, a Bing believer or alternative/ underground enough to use Baidu, Yandex or Duckduckgo.

Google alone answers billions of search queries worldwide every day.

Everything you see, hear, read and watch online is content.

Content marketing is the art of generating topic and information ideas that appeal to your ideal customer, your buyer persona, and presenting it to them in written, visual and audio formats to positively influence them to buy whatever it is you are selling.

Content Marketing that converts interest to sales

Content has many faces, a blogpost, info-graphic, podcast, video, quiz, meme, report, white paper, poster, tip sheet, webinar or worksheet.

A fun info-graphic from Ryder Cup Europe targeted at golf fans for the 2014 Ryder Cup

Content creation is a great in-bound digital marketing strategy, attracting users to your website or app, building engagement, deepening the relationship between you and your ideal/ target customer and generating revenue for your business.

People love content.                                                                                

It informs and educates us, answers our questions, entertains, makes us smile, laugh, guides our decisions and helps us weigh up whether or not to make a purchase.

Everything from ‘how-to’ articles to product reviews, content explodes onto the internet at warp speed on a daily basis.

I create content for a broad range of PR and Marketing clients, from managing Sleeperz Hotels’ consumer blog about stylish hotel stays, design, architecture and city living to how-to-content and behind the scenes reveals for golfers from clothing brand ProQuip.

With over 20 years’ experience in journalism, PR and media (print and broadcast), I’m confident when it comes to taking a new brief, deep diving a topic and delivering engaging highly readable/ watchable content that gets people clicking and buying.

Regardless of your industry, sector or specialism, I’m here to help you with your content marketing; and on those rare times when I can’t I guarantee I know someone else who can.

Content is King

Product Explainer videos for ProQuip Golf